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Day 1
We will leave from the Lac de Tuéda car park (1700m) towards the Bois des Ramées. Through the Arolles forest, we will reach the Vallon du Fruit. Picnic by the water after a yoga session with a view of the valley.
Then climb to Lac des Fées for another session of Yoga and meditation.
We will finish up to the Saut refuge at an altitude of 2126 m.
Guarded refuge, sleeping in a dormitory, dinner included, breakfast.

Day 2
Departure on the second day with a yoga session at the edge of the doron, muscular awakening. Then climb to the lake of Chanrouge where we will have time to relax, meditate. Then we will continue in the direction of the Col de Chanrouge to admire the landscape… Picnic along the way.
Return to the refuge, then to Lake Tuéda. We will alternate yoga sessions, meditations by the water and walking. We will show you the alpine plants with their stories, the fauna with marmots and ibexes perhaps! And lots of mountain, alpine and Beaufort history! A weekend to escape into Nature and breathe!

We will have to adapt to the vagaries of the weather as well as to the conditions of the mountain and the participants. Ultimately, the supervisor remains the sole judge of the program that he can modify due to safety requirements.

Additional info

  • Spoken languages :EnglishFrench


Child: from 190 €.

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