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The techniques used are voluntary and controlled exposure to the cold in a natural environment, breathing, visualization and recitation of mantras.

We always start with a global preparation before the immersion in the cold water of our mountain rivers, for a purifying and transforming bath.
"Living Toumo Yoga is an exhilarating and unique experience, from which one returns enriched and full of vitality! The voluntary and controlled exposure to cold stimulates the natural defenses and makes it possible to (re)find, in oneself, qualities and values sometimes ignored until then.

This practice gives access to a psychic state of unity and plenitude in which all the forces and aptitudes that sleep in us are melted and raised to their highest efficiency. Maurice Daubard


All year round, daily.
Cancelled in case of bad weather. Check for workshop dates.

Postponed in case of bad weather.

Additional info

  • Spoken languages :EnglishSpanishFrench


Adult: 30 € (duration : 2h).


From 2023-01-01 To 2024-12-31
  • Adult : 30 €

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