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Mountaineering practitioner
JC Lichaire


There are no steep slopes and it's totally safe for people who are scared of heights. The walk won't be longer or harder than the ones you already do by yourself! This one is on a glacier and it will take you to the peek where there is a breathtaking view. Don't forget to bring a bag to picnic, your ski jacket, your gloves and a beany! It's possible to spend the night in a refuge.


From 01/05 to 31/10/2024, daily.

On demand.

Additional info

  • Payment :CheckCash
  • Spoken languages :GermanEnglishFrench


Daily rates from €440.

These rates include the guide's services for one person or a group already formed.

They do not include overnight stays in mountain huts, personal technical equipment, or travel and lift expenses.

For each route, a maximum number of people per guide is defined by the guide, taking into account: difficulty, length, current conditions and level of participants.

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