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Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Outdoor activities

Courchevel: Art at the Summit, 15 years of outdoor exhibition!

This year, L’Art au Sommet celebrates its 15th anniversary by exhibiting the works of Jiménez Deredia. This season, eight monumental sculptures and reproductions

photographic works of the Costa Rican artist adorn the resort, transforming Courchevel into a real open-air art gallery.

Art au Sommet has become an unmissable event over the years thanks to the fusion of the talents of Galeries Bartoux and the teams of the Courchevel City Council.

Jiménez Deredia: the spirituality of forms

Internationally recognized, Jiménez Deredia is distinguished by its innovative fusion that combines the pre-Columbian heritage of the Borucas tribe with contemporary abstraction for works of roundness. Through his colossal sculptures made of marble and bronze, the artist expresses a singular vision, reincarnating the heritage of Costa Rican culture in a captivating artistic harmony. Sculptures with sensual curves that combine the concepts of eternity, cosmos and fertility, evoking the timelessness of the universe… 8 enchanting creations that

invite visitors to explore their spirituality during a walk in Courchevel.



Photo credit : menezderediaescultor

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